亚马逊和阿里又躺枪?这些商家表示不服add likes to IG free



澳零售巨头称,亚马逊是 差的企业公民


说这话的人是澳大利亚零售业巨头Harvey Norman的主席格里-哈维。他称,“亚马逊可能是我们当中 差的企业公民,全世界也找不出一个像亚马逊这样的零售商。”


Harvey criticized Amazon's tax problems, saying that the company did not bear the corresponding responsibility. "Amazon has a history of not paying taxes for 23 years. It always avoids taxes and forces people into bankruptcy. Once Amazon gains power, it will squeeze many retailers out of the industry. In addition, Harvey believes that Amazon has destroyed the Australian retail market and traditional retailers can't stop it at all.add likes to IG free





电商发展至今,避税问题一直被诟病,遭电商打压的实体经济,一直拿这个问题出来说事,并表示我们不服!国内、 市场普遍存在。物竞天择,适者生存,有竞争我们便要呼吁公平。正如昨日人大代表步步高董事长王填在议案中指出的那样,推进电商公平纳税,营造平台电商、实体零售公平竞争的环境。

Since the development of e-commerce, the problem of tax avoidance has been criticized. The real economy suppressed by e-commerce has been talking about this problem and said that we are not satisfied! It is common in domestic and markets. Natural selection, survival of the fittest, competition, we must call for fairness. As Wang fill, chairman of Bubugao, deputy to the National People's Congress, pointed out in the motion yesterday, promote fair tax payment for e-commerce and create a fair competition environment for platform e-commerce and physical retail.add likes to IG free